13 September 2010

About the death of Datuk Sosilawati.. and how will our world be safe again?!

Ok now..I'm quite sure that almost all Malaysians know about the death of Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and 3 others..
What could we say about that? well,we can't deny that nowadays, the people in this world now starting to become crazy, become a hunter and hunted, like million years ago..
erm,ya.. the murder of Datuk Sosilawati just too mean.. Too cruel and should be taken lightly..
The cause of the murder?Nothing else.. It's all about money,wealth and power.. Ya,it is true that Datuk Sosilawati was a successful woman,but she worked for it..
And I'm totally sick and tired of these murder cases.. Since i was young till today, almost everyday I will heard about these.. From Mona Fendi,to Altantuya Shaaribu, now Datuk Sosilawati..

back about Datuk Sosilawati,
Now, consider the temerity of the party that could order the killing of four individuals, one of them well known, and just make the bodies disappear.

Some clout there. Or should we assume that practice makes perfect. Rumours are rife…but let’s not go there just yet. Whatever said, I think the police did its job…and this is pretty fast.

The families of the dead must be quite distraught right now. My condolences go to them.

And we Malaysians..just hope that this case will meet it's exit soon.. and pray that there are no more cruel,mean and pathetic murder cases anymore...lets have a peace Malaysia~!